Wednesday, October 8, 2014

9 way to choose a good Multivitamin and Mineral

The First Basic is The Multi-vitamin/Mineral


Multivitamin/Mineral merupakan produk yang pertama yang perlu kita pertimbangkan.  Untuk menggantikan nutrien yang mungkin hilang dalam diet anda atau tidak lengkap,  ini adalah tempat yang paling logik untuk kita mulakan.  Kebanyakan pakar perubatan kesihatan sedar, pakar diet dan pakar pemakanan benar-benar bersetuju dengan ini.

Paling jelas anda perlu bermula dengan LABEL dan Company background
Terdapat banyak syarikat yang dipasaran sekarang hanya ingin duit anda.  Mereka cuma mempunyai sedikit atau langsung tidak ada ilmu sains dengan product mereka tetapi mereka mempunyai banyak "gempa gempur" yang tercatat di label product.  Memang amat sukar untuk membahagikan kebenaran dari padang jualan hehehe.

Memadangkan membaca label merupakan titik permulaan untuk memilih syarikat yang baik.  Jadi saya akan bantu untuk memastikan  anda memahami bagaimana untuk membaca label.


1. Check to be sure that all nutrients with established DVs are listed on the label.

      The DV stand for “Daily Value”.  These amounts are intended to provide sensible guidelines for    most healthy people. These are nutrients well recognized as being essential for life, growth and maintenance of health.  Since you will be trying to replace nutrients with an established DV are provided in you multi supplement.  Look at the multi as an insurance policy.  You want the most complete coverage you can get for your money.  To get less than the DV is incomplete coverage.

Currently there are 12 Vitamins and 7 mineral listed in the DV.  Count the nutrients on the multi label and make sure all 19 are there. 

Multivitamin(Vita-Lea Shaklee) mempunyai 28 vitamin dan mineral penting.

2.   Beware of lengthy, impressive-looking labels.   
                  Some labels are quite lengthy and seem most impressive, but they are often lacking DV, or they are  adding “fluff” to the label.  Let me explain.  A Multi may list rutin 25miligrams (a bioflavonoid) as one of the ingredients.  There is no DV for this ingredient.  This means that amount has been set for health.  Is 25 milligrams enough? Actually, no one knows for sure.  Lack of rutin does not produce deficiency symptoms and is not required for adequate health.  These types of nutrients are added to a multi label because they are cheap label-lengtheners are called ‘Fluff”.  Usually, these non-essential nutrients are marked with an asterisk so you will know they are not in the DV.  Omit them as you count up the essential nutrients

3.  Check the percents of the Daily Value Present.
                             Each of the vitamins should be present in at least 100 percent of the DV.  Any Less and you are not looking at adequate product.  The minerals should be at 100 percent with exception of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus

       4.    Make sure the multi supplies adequate amounts of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

                       These are bulky minerals, and they are difficult and expensive to compound into a tablet.  A ggod amount is 45 percent of the DV for calcium, about 50 percent of the DV of magnesium, actually have 100 percent of the DV of each these minerals in one tablet.  This requires a tremendous compression to form the tablet, and the great majority of them will not dissolve in time to be of great use to body.  Tablets with less than the 45/50/35 ratio calcium/magnesium/phosphorus are not giving you adequate amounts of these minerals for a good multi.  Sometimes a company will include one of these minerals and leave the other out.  Always check out these two minerals on a label. If you need even more calcium or magnesium, consume a separate supplement. 

      5.   The magic vegetable system

                           Garlic, broccoli and various cruciferous vegetables are hitting the news lately as being of benefit to help prevent various diseases.  Some companies are claiming that these are part of their multi.  This may be true, but the amounts present in the multi formula are far less than you would need for adequate protection as provided by real vegetables.  These vegetable compound look good on the label, but are present in small amounts.  This is just sales hype. 

6. Be sure you can read the label.
                 This may sound foolish, but when I study labels, I always need a magnifying glass for many of the less thoughtful companies.

      7.    Read the accompanying literature and catalogue information.

                 It would be helpful if the information includes clinical studies done on the product they are selling.  Some accompanying literature is just all sales talk and not science. 

      8. Multis in a liquid capsule form.
              There are some multis on the market that are liquid in a capsule form rather than the more common dry tablet.  Personally, I would stick with the tablet when it comes to a multi.  There are many studies on the release and absorption of nutrients from a multi tablet, but not many studies on capsules containing liquid.

      9.  Micronutrients.
             The products up on the latest research will also contain nine accepted micronutrients such as selenium, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, tin vanadium, boron and silicon.

     Akhir sekali, Jika anda setuju dengan cadangan ini ketika hendak membeli Multivitamin/mineral dimana-mana kedai.  Saya percaya perkara diatas ini dapat membantu anda memilih yang kualiti yang sangan bagus.  Paling penting jangan sesekali terpedaya dengan labels dan katalog dapat menjanjikan to cure baldness, make wrinkles vanish, allow you to lose weight without dieting and turn you sex life inti a perfect "10".  saya percaya kita semua disini semua mempunyai wish yang mahu cepat kesannya, tapi kena ingat segalanya perlu masa untuk berkembang jadi bersabarlah.

     Dan sila ignore juga kata-kata extravaganza product names dan descriptions macam "Extra-strength plus' atau "mega-nutrition power".  ini semua adalah bertujuan untuk menjual product dan janji kosong hehehe.  Paling penting concentrate on the contents and honesty of the label and company literature.
      Setakat ini sahaja sharing saya. mengenai multivitamin/ mineral.

ringkasan sumber dari: Food supplements-how to begin by Dr. Bruce Miller.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Yang Mensharing,
Suzanne mommydante


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