Friday, January 11, 2013

12 Reason To Breastfeed

Here are 12 of them…
1) Breastfeeding promotes bonding between mother and baby
2) Breastfeeding helps mom lose weight after baby is born
3) Breastfeeding helps shrink mother’s uterus after childbirth
4) Breastfeeding helps prevent post-partum hemorrhage
5) Breastfeeding decreases chances of maternal osteoporosis in later life
6) Breastfeeding is a natural contraceptive
7) Breastfeeding acts like a natural tranquilizer for mom
8.) Breastfeeding saves time and space. There are no bottles to tote, no need to refrigerate, less equipment to buy, maintain and store
9) Breastfeeding protects mothers against anemia (iron deficiency)
10) Breastfeeding reduces one’s risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer
11) Breastfeeding mums suffer less from postpartum depression
12) Breastfeeding mums have less sick days! Since their kids are statistically healthier, they   spend less time at home from work to look after sick kids!

Source: the asian parent malaysia edition

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